AnyStrToLong.lha (6578 bajtów)

Short:    Fix, Two routines ASCII<->Long. Dec/hex/bin.
Author: (Tadek Knapik)
Uploader: (Tadek Knapik)
Type:     dev/asm
Replaces: dev/asm/AnyStrToLong

	Here you have two routines for converting string<->long.
The first one is similar to dos.library/StrToLong(), but it can handle
hexadecimal and binary strings as well (prefixes '$', '0x' and '%'). The
second one converts given longword to a string - you can select between
decimal, signed decimal (minus when bit 31/15/7 is set), hexadecimal and
	AnyStrToLong remains the same as for the first relase.
	AnyLongToStr - fixed bad handling of 10, 100, 1000 etc. (was
'bhi' instead if 'bpl', sorry!!!), optimized dividing by ten routine for
68000 (thanks to Simon N Goodwin for this!), added handling of signed
words and bytes.

	Tadek Knapik (

=========================== Archive contents =========================

Listing of archive 'AnyStrToLong.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    5143    1983 61.4% 03-Nov-96 23:11:08  AnyStrToLong/AnyLongToStr.asm
    4805    1735 63.8% 16-Oct-96 18:16:06  AnyStrToLong/AnyStrToLong.asm
    4359    2048 53.0% 03-Nov-96 23:07:58  AnyStrToLong/AnyStrToLong.doc
     894     497 44.4% 03-Nov-96 23:12:20  AnyStrToLong/AnyStrToLong.readme
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
   15201    6263 58.7% 03-Nov-96 23:16:48   4 files

Operation successful.
